Hurricane Milton: The 100-Year Storm Set to Devastate Florida | Most Viral Today

[gpt3] Expand Florida is in crisis mode as Hurricane Milton, now a Category 5 beast, heads straight for Tampa Bay with winds exceeding 157 mph. A storm surge up to 12 feet could devastate the area. The largest evacuation since Irma is underway—find out what’s happening and how to stay safe

#hurricane #category5 #stormsurge #hurricaneprep #floridaweather #naturaldisasters #hurricanewatch #emergencypreparedness #staysafe #weatherupdate #StormTracker #hurricaneseason2024 into a highly engaging 200-300 words post. Use relevant news as necessary. Take into account following guidelines when rewriting
a) I Identify 2 or 3 words based ‘keyword’ from Hurricane Milton: The 100-Year Storm Set to Devastate Florida | Most Viral Today that could draw traffic to website.
b) SEO Optimise the post for identified ‘keyword’ and also for the word ‘Viral and ‘Trending’.
c)The identified keyword should appear in the opening paragraph and also 3-4 times in the post.
d) Dont ask for any social media follow back in the post.

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