My Fiancé Insisted I Foot the Bill for His Friends’ Dinner – I Gave Him a Memorable Lesson

A woman’s fiancé pressured her to cover the cost of his and his friends’ dining out, exploiting her recent salary increase. Fed up, she taught him a lesson he wouldn’t forget

The woman’s fiancé consistently manipulated her perception of her financial responsibilities. He exploited moments when they dined out with friends to insist she handle the bill.

On a Reddit post, she detailed her predicament, seeking opinions on her response to his demands. Throughout their relationship, she maintained separate finances because her fiancé rejected the idea of a joint account.

Five months into their engagement, she received a raise, making her salary 30% higher than his. Since the raise, her fiancé frequently suggested she should pay for him and his buddies. “Why am I always paying?” she would question. “Because of the 30%,” he’d retort.–Advertisment–

She felt his actions undermined her worthiness of the raise, as if he held it against her, deeming it unfair.

Her fiancé enjoyed socializing over meals with friends, often inviting her and then publicly pressuring her to pay the full bill.

Typically non-confrontational, she would reluctantly agree to pay to avoid drama. However, one evening, she reached her breaking point. She agreed to dinner, making it clear beforehand she would not be paying. He reassured her, claiming he would handle it.

The dinner proceeded smoothly until he leaned in midway and insisted she would be paying for everyone. Angered, she firmly declined.

Knowing she detested public scenes, he loudly claimed, “You can afford to cover everyone’s meal, remember the 30%?”

Enraged, she saw her chance when the bills, already split, were placed on the table. She paid for her portion and excused herself to the bathroom, then quietly left the restaurant and drove home. Shortly after, her phone was bombarded with calls from her fiancé inquiring about her whereabouts.

She confronted him about repeatedly being coerced into paying for others, which he ignored, and later at home, he erupted in anger. He berated her with insults, calling her “selfish, irrational, cheapskate, and childish,” and expressed his friends’ disappointment, questioning his future marriage choices.

Reddit Weighs In

Ultimately, she felt justified in her actions, yet sought external validation due to her fiancé’s harsh response. Reddit users were supportive, highlighting the manipulative nature of her fiancé’s behavior and advising her to reconsider the relationship for her well-being.

Was the woman right to sneak out of the restaurant? What would you do in her shoes?

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