Unbelievable! Watch as a boy with no collarbone defies the odds with mind-bending flexibility! 😱

A fascinating video has recently surfaced showcasing a rare medical condition, a boy with no collarbone. The footage features a young boy who appears to be without a collarbone. Upon being asked about it by a TikTok user, the boy calmly explains that he has a medical condition called Cleidocranial dysostosis, which is the reason for his unique physicality.

In the video, the boy demonstrates how he can arrange his arms in a way that gives the illusion of a mirror or inverted filter, a trick that he can effortlessly perform due to the absence of a collarbone. When questioned about any disadvantages of not having a collarbone, the boy simply responds with a light-hearted “I don’t have any lol.”

This thought-provoking and rare glimpse into the life of someone living with Cleidocranial dysostosis was captured in Cloverdale, Indiana on February 11, 2021. The video has sparked discussions and raised awareness about this little-known medical condition, offering viewers an opportunity to learn about and empathize with those who experience such unique physical differences.



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